Donald Back

Director of Operations for Step Training Inc.| Police Officer (Ret.)

Master Instructor | Applied Researcher & Policy Writer


Having worked in law enforcement for 31 years, I have found myself drawn to the delivery of skill-based training and education.  My passion to provide top professional training continued once I became a certified Police Use of Force Instructor and today I teach to many different audiences, including municipal staff, undergraduates and customer service professionals.

I have dedicated myself to staying current in all aspects of training and spent over 20 years in a training and supervisory role, instructing thousands of Law Enforcement officers in defensive tactics, firearms and scenario-based learning.

In addition to my work with a police service, I  have instructed defensive tactics and fitness at the Ontario Police College and scenario-based training at the Canadian Police College.

During my 20 years as a professional instructor, I have been on several Ontario Provincial committees and have expertise in Use of Force legislation, policies and procedures. Currently, I provide expert legal reviews of Use of Force incidents for municipal offers and retail security staff.

Under contract with the Ontario Provincial Government, I conducted applied research into police best practices and Use of Force decision making, as well as collaborating with the University of Toronto in the field of police physiology, performance and resiliency on an International scale.

I have developed and written Use of Force, training, complaints and other specialized policies for municipalities