Research-Based Training and Education
The programs and courses offered through the Step Training Network undergo consistent vetting and examination to ensure they remain current, relevant, and evidence-based. Our programs are delivered across a variety of organizations and professions, and in doing this are reviewed from different perspectives. Police, Probation, Marshal Service, Security, MLEO, Conservation, Transit, Parking, HR, Public Works, Property Inspectors, and University undergrads.
Starting in September 2022, our professional de-escalation program will be delivered as an undergraduate research course at the University of Toronto, Mississauga campus.
In particular, our de-escalation training is built on 18 months of directly applied research, where we visited over 40 Ontario police services to observe how they trained in de-escalation and how it was applied to the Ontario use of Force Model. This research took us all the way to London, England, and involved professional academics.
Core Training Courses & Programs
Skill-Based De-escalation Training for Municipal Officers & Staff (MLEO)
Training that focuses on customer service and managing triggered emotions of the public you serve.
Stress Modulation Course (New)
Addressing an officer’s physiological responses to stress & how it impacts decision-making and performance.
De-escalation Training for Customer Service
Training that focuses on managing triggered emotions of the customers you serve.
Use of Force Requalification (Baton & Handcuff)
Providing certified professional training in Incident Response.
Train The Trainer – Profesional Facilitation Program
Providing professional development to existing instructors and teachers.
Situational Awareness for Incident Response
This course will provide concrete practices that increase awareness and your ability to perceive your environment.