Use of Force Requalification

Baton, Bite Stick & Handcuff Training

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Providing Certified Professional Training in Incident Response

(Level 2 – In Person)

Step Training Inc. provides comprehensive complete courses in incident response, building core modules of learning around Use of Force, Baton, Handcuffing, De-escalation, and Legal Authorities. Our courses speak to the question of “WHY” decisions and actions are being made, and how they fit into a model of service and de-escalation. As violence between the subjects and law enforcement account for less than one percent of incidents, the focus is on the professional “human” skills of communication, personalization, validation, decision-making, and outcome-focused processes. Officers are taught to see through the verbal “noise” and let go of preconceived notions that often lead to escalation.

This course is not a police course “rebooted” and delivered to municipalities. This course contains content and examples that are specific to the MLEO, supporting their specific role and authorities.

We have over seven years of direct experience working with municipalities across Ontario, and our applied research has taken place at over 40 law enforcement organizations. Our content is mindful of liability and risk, budgets, and the direct relationship between the MLEO and the public they serve.