Instructor Train-the-Trainer
Step Training Inc. offers, through a license agreement, the opportunity for organizations to train in-house instructors in our Professional De-escalation Programs. Successful applicants will be permitted to train your organization’s staff, using the intellectual property, de-escalation model, lesson plans, and support materials contained within Step Training Inc’s professional programs.
Our train-the-trainer instructor development program contains a number of components, that each instructor must complete in order to be certified.
As the content and materials are updated annually with new research, it is required that each instructor update their qualifications every 12 months. The extent of the update is dependent on the number of training sessions delivered by the instructor, and the number of updates to the content. This will be determined by Step Training Inc, Director of Operations & Training.
We place the highest value and quality control on who represents our professional content. All Step Training Instructors are experts in both the material and the professional delivery of the content. We always appreciate the addition of outstanding people, committed to instructor excellence.