Stress Modulation Course

Managing your own physiology for increased performance

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Addressing an officer’s physiological responses to stress & how it impacts decision-making and performance

(Level 2 – In Person)

When a person encounters a stressful situation, they experience a surge of natural chemicals, such as adrenaline and cortisol. These chemicals allow the body to respond quickly.  When this biological threat response is moderate, it enhances performance through more accurate vision, hearing, motor control, and response time.  However, when the threat response is severe the response can negatively affect performance by creating distortions in thinking, vision, hearing, and increasing motor control problems, which can result in slower reaction times.

The research found that, regardless of experience or expertise level, officers didn’t often connect their psychological and physical reactions with their performance. Therefore, a critical component of our training is to illustrate this connection in a way that is individualized and relatable and provides concrete strategies to improve performance and resilience.

Modern training programs and research need to meet the goals and expectations set out by organizations and the public. Specifically, an evidence-based method of improving decision-making by applying Use of Force techniques and de-escalation strategies while also enhancing officer resilience.

The Stress Modulation Course offered by Step training Inc. addresses these concerns by providing concrete immediately applicable strategies in the control and modulation of stress.